Brandon Perger
#40 Offence
Brandon Perger is a resilient athlete who has made his mark in the world of adaptive sports, particularly wheelchair rugby. Despite facing triplegia due to contracting bacterial meningitis...
- Birth DateSeptember 15, 1993
- HometownKelowna, BC
- ClubOkanagan Rattlers
- Classification3.5
- Member Since2023

Brandon Perger is a resilient athlete who has made his mark in the world of adaptive sports, particularly wheelchair rugby. Despite facing triplegia due to contracting bacterial meningitis in 2011, Brandon’s passion for sports remains unyielding. At 29 years old, he has participated in wheelchair tennis, sledge hockey, wheelchair basketball, and adaptive golf. Brandon had previously played able body hockey at the junior level, it was the intense physicality, teamwork, and strategic nature of wheelchair rugby that had his interest.
Recognized as the 2018 Wheelchair Rugby Canada Rookie of the Year, Brandon’s accomplishments continued with the PacificSport Okanagan Athletic Excellence Award in 2019 and his inclusion in Team BC’s “A” team. Beyond personal success, Brandon is dedicated to the growth and improvement of wheelchair rugby as a whole. His ultimate aspiration is to contribute to the team’s triumphs and elevate the sport’s prominence. Outside of sports, Brandon enjoys watching various sports, particularly hockey, and indulging in wineries, live music events, and quality time with loved ones. Through his journey, Brandon continues to compete in the world of adaptive sports making his National Team debut in 2023 with Wheelchair Rugby Canada.